Showing posts with label Diamond Promise Rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diamond Promise Rings. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Top 10 Tips To Buy A Diamond Engagement Ring For Her!

Nothing could match the emotion of catching a glimpse of your fiancé smile when offering her a diamond engagement ring. This the reason that you should bring a keen focus before buying a diamond engagement ring for the love of your life to make her feel more special than ever. Here are amazing tips for you to follow to find a perfect ring that will make your girl fall for you.

Diamond Engagement Ring

  • First, consider the taste and style of your partner. Giving her the desired ring is the best option to make her smile. Try to talk to her about the desires and preferences to get an idea.
  • After that, it comes to the budget. It is necessary to make sure that you are comfortable with what you can afford.
  • Check out the existing jewelry of your partner to know more about her taste regarding the metal of the jewelry. Type of metal plays a vital role that varies the cost of the ring.
  • These days, Diamonds are available in different shapes. Therefore, it is another important aspect to consider from the wearer’s perspective.
  • For a better insight of diamond, get to know about the 4C’s of the diamond, i.e. clarity, color, cut and carat.
  • Looking for the above-mentioned points, now it comes to looking after the trend. Diamond engagement rings are available in different styles and patterns, so you need to be updated with the current trend.
  • If you don’t want to follow the footsteps of the world, else want to go with your particular style, then you can customize your ring effectively. Not limited to this, there are also creative styles you can explore.
  • So, you have cleared with every aspect, now is the time to find a reputed jeweler to go with the trustworthy and reliable purchase of your diamond engagement ring.
  • To ease your shopping process, you can effectively go with the online shopping option. There are a number of online stores that bring you the best deals and offers.
  • Last, but not least, make sure you’re investing in the right place and getting the best value for your investment.

Follow these steps and get the best diamond engagement ring for your better half to make her realize that how much you care and love her. To find the best deal for your purchase, get hooked up with Birgie Diamonds today. Visit our online store today to explore our huge collection!

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Make Your Engagement Day With Diamond Promise Rings

Engagement Day is one of the most memorable days in our lives. We like to remember the day for ever like we like to cherish the memories of our marriage day for ever. Whether you are buying the diamond ring for yourself or for the special person, certain factors need to be considered before buying it. Ideally many of us buy the diamond ring with a single stone but if you like to add special meaning to your engagement day, you can opt for diamond promise rings, which are the latest fashion and you definitely make the wearer look unique among the crowd.

Diamond Promise Rings

Promise Ring – What Does It Mean?

It is given as a prelude to wedding. When you see deep in the eyes of another individual and you are well aware about the fact that you wish to be with them for remaining life, you gift such ring. You can find a variety of special designs in it and the popular one is promise rings with side stones

Promise Rings With Side Stones -

The diamond promise rings with side stones are those diamond rings, which has a center stone along with few smaller stones on the side of the ring. Such diamond rings are very popular for the engagement day. These are popular for wedding day also and could be presented to the loved ones on any other special occasion. Some people consider the solitaire diamond rings to be very plain and look for something special for their engagement or wedding day. So these side stone diamond rings will compliment whatever the person is found missing on the occasion.

The rings with side stones are made in gold or platinum both and buyer will choose the one according to the budget and the choice. There are numerous jewelry web sites which offer numerous designs of diamond rings for engagement and wedding day. These diamond rings are stunningly designed and are of various price ranges. Ordering them on the website will help the customers in getting huge discounts that the jewelers offer when the orders are placed online. On the web it becomes easier for the customers to look at the varieties of diamond rings and even compare them with the other

Those who think that the solitaire diamond rings are the perfect ones for engagement or wedding day will get it wrong when they get to look at the such special rings. The stones used on the side of the ring are the semi-precious stones or the expensive ones like sapphires, emeralds, rubies and others. Having the side stones along with the diamond on the ring will definitely give these rings different appeal. Such a gift for your loved ones will make the day a memorable one and throughout your life you will cherish the memories. Apart from a huge collection to choose from, the viewers are allowed to have the diamond rings with three stones of any customized style. The renowned jewelers offer 100% satisfaction for their jewelers.  

Give us a call now and book your special gift for your special one. The variety of promise rings we have is unbelievable. You will really get confused while choosing one.

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